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Discussione: Obsidian: Project Eternity - DONATE I VOSTRI RISPARMI SU KICKSTARTER!!!

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  1. #1
    Space engineer L'avatar di jedi.lord
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    Obsidian: Project Eternity - DONATE I VOSTRI RISPARMI SU KICKSTARTER!!!

    Project Eternity is an isometric, party-based RPG set in a new fantasy world developed by Obsidian Entertainment.

    1.1 million $, Base Goal – Achieved!

    Release Date: Aprile 2014

    Descrizione sulla pagina di Kickstarter:

    Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration of Baldur’s Gate, add in the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and tie it all together with the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment.

    Combat uses a tactical real-time with pause system - positioning your party and coordinating attacks and abilities is one of the keys to success. The world map is dotted with unique locations and wilderness ripe for exploration and questing. You’ll create your own character and collect companions along the way – taking him or her not just through this story, but, with your continued support, through future adventures. You will engage in dialogues that are deep, and offer many choices to determine the fate of you and your party. …and you'll experience a story that explores mature themes and presents you with complex, difficult choices to shape how your story plays out.
    We are excited at this chance to create something new, yet reminiscent of those great games and we want you to be a part of it as well.

    Stretch goals:

    • 1.1 million, Base Goal – Achieved!
    • Base game includes three races, five classes, and five companions. We have ideas for these, but we want to hear your opinions on what you'd like to see. Stay tuned to Kickstarter, our website, and our forums to join in on the conversation.
    • 1.4 million, New Playable Race, Class, and Companion! Expands your options for character creation and adds a companion of the new class.
    • 1.6 million, a Mac Version of Project Eternity and The Story Grows! We've listened and we’ll make a Mac version of the game at this tier. We're also going to add a new major storyline along with new quests, locations, NPCs, and unique loot (special histories everyone?).
    • 1.8 million, New Playable Race, Class, and Companion! The options grow for your main character and the roster of your motley crew expands with the addition of a new companion from the selected class.
    • 2.0 million, Player House! Get your own house in the game that you can customize, store equipment in, and where your companions hang out, or, as the elves say, "chillax".
    • 2.2 million, a new Region, a new Faction and another new Companion! And, dare we say it... ? LINUX! Great news, everyone! For the Tarball Knights of Gzippia out there, we'll be adding Linux support! Also, the world of Project Eternity grows in a major way with the inclusion of a whole new faction and the territory it holds. This adds new NPCs, quests, magic items, and hours of gameplay. And yes, you got it, another companion.
    • 2.4 million and beyond! Coming Soon!

    We've been listening to your feedback, and have the following announcements:

    • DRM Free: We are looking into it! Please check back for updates.
    • Digital Only Tiers are coming!
    • PayPal is coming asap. Please be patient!
    • New $5k Tier. We are looking into a new $5k tier since it sold out so quickly! We are looking into equivalent alternatives.

    Thank you fans!

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    Lord Avellone vs Console

    Josh Sawyer
    Oh. Hello there.

    I wanted to put some ideas into words to help express what it means to build a world at Obsidian. It takes a lot of time and effort from a boatload (dirigible-load) of people, but there are some guiding principles that keep us focused on building worlds we love that we hope players will love, too.

    No matter what the flavor of the setting may be -- fantasy, sci-fi, modern day espionage... a town in Colorado -- worlds are places we want to explore filled with characters we feel passionate about. Curiosity makes us want to explore. An interest in the unknown. Fascination and wonder at what we'll see if we go left instead of right. Visuals are part of it, but it's about the atmosphere and the feeling we get from stepping into a place we've never been part of before. When we see the way the world and the folks in it work, what drives it and them, no matter how mundane or fantastic, we believe in it.

    To feel for characters at all, we need to make a connection with them. To make a connection with them, we need to believe that if we were put in their shoes, maybe we'd follow the same path they're on. When we talk about mature themes, we're not describing arterial spray. We're talking about character motivations that we sympathize with in the setting. When we get to our nemeses after hunting them down for 50 hours and they say, "Man, do you see what I have to deal with?" we nod and say, "Yeah, I guess I do..." even as we're reluctantly beating their faces in with a morningstar.

    But it's not a one-way street. Those characters need to be with you. They need to pay attention to who you choose to be and how you choose to conduct yourself. It's why we love writing conversations as dialogues, exchanges with give and take. If we've built a world you believe in, your choices won't feel like random button clicks. They'll be decisions that make you think, maybe trouble you, possibly annoy you from time to time. And when your companions, friends, enemies, lovers, haters, et al. react with jeers, whooping, or the RPG equivalent of a sustained Citizen Kane clap, you won't feel the invisible hand of the market designer at work. You'll feel like you're at home in the world we, and your choices, have shaped.

    When you get down to it, we want to make places and lives you want to be a part of as much as we do. It seems a lot simpler than it is when it's written down like that, but through all of the complications and doubts, knowing what we're shooting for helps us move foward day after day and year after year. Hopefully you'll want to be part of where we're going next. It should be a hoot.

    Sezione goliardia








    Il giorno in cui tutto ebbe inizio:
    Il buon Avellone ha postato su faccialibro la misteriosa schermata d'accesso del sito della Obsidian ove campeggia un 4 cerchiato con sotto le parole:
    "Nothing. The Dirge of Eir Glanfath is sound without form, a lone voice crying out in the mourning because it must"



    ...si apra la danza delle speculazioni!!!!
    Ultima modifica di jedi.lord; 16-09-2012 alle 17:36:50 Motivo: Miglioramento open post

  2. #2
    E c'è di più: all'interno del codice sorgente del sito spunta questa frase

    < ! –. X . X X . X X –>
    < ! — To tenderness, fellowship. To fellowship, vigilance. So bring we all to the Night Market. I am the Spindle of Esenath. Know me by my light and stand with me in darkness. –>

    (fonte: forum vari)

    Alcuni dicono sia Dungeon Siege 4. Personalmente spero di no, ma mi chiedo cos'altro possa essere.

  3. #3




    Quel simbolo è identico a quello di TES Online!!!

  4. #4
    Director of zombies L'avatar di Reborn like a fenix
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    Firenze (Chieti e Paola)
    D1, assolutamente collector.

    Mioddio un 4. Un fottuto 4.


    EDIT: TES Online no che diamine, al massimo Fallout 4, ma proprio se si vogliono far male lavorando con Beth.

    EDIT 2: Se è Dungeon Siege 4 non so come prenderla, il tre è discreto come gioco e buono (imho) come rpg ma non mi intriga piu di tanto...
    Ultima modifica di Reborn like a fenix; 11-09-2012 alle 00:19:18
    Cos'è che distingue un Avelloniano da un Bethesdaro? Denaro? Potere? No. Un Avelloniano sceglie, un Bethesdaro obbedisce.
    War and Treason: Capo della Gilda delle Spie/ Reggente delle Bare Islands

  5. #5
    Space engineer L'avatar di jedi.lord
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    In verità è un po' diverso da quello di TES online...anche se la somiglianza è sospetta...


  6. #6
    Sì infatti.....m'ero fatto prende dal panico!

    Comunque focalizzando...quel 4 è comunque poco incoraggiante...

    .....Dungeon Siege 4?

  7. #7
    Utente L'avatar di Drago Blu
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    Spero non sia né Dungeon Siege 4 né tantomeno TES Online.
    Voglio un fottutissimo RPG story-driven. Di quelli che creavano un tempo ma con grafica moderna. E con tanti dialoghi, scelte e stat check. Sopratutto stat check.

  8. #8
    Fallout 4

    che fatto dalla obsidian di new vegas mi sta pure bene.

  9. #9
    Space engineer L'avatar di jedi.lord
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    non so...i nomi mi sanno molto di fantasy

  10. #10
    Fallout 4 con il logo di un drago?
    Draghi in Fallout??

  11. #11
    Space engineer L'avatar di jedi.lord
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    comunque concordo con Drago Blu! Spero sia una reazione d'orgoglio alla blasfema riapertura della Black Isle!


  12. #12

    Un tempo dovevano lavorare ad un progetto segreto su The Wheel of Time....poi non se ne seppe più nulla...

    Pochi giorni fa Red Eagle ha chiuso l'appello su Kickstarter per un RPG proprio su TWoT:

    ANche se hanno annunciato che forse lo riaprivano fra qualche tempo...

    Leggendo su neogaf dicono che quel Eir Glanfath forse si riferisce a qualcosa scritta nei romanzi della saga di TWoT (che io non conosco quindi non so dire nulla a riguardo...)...

    2 + 2 = 4?

  13. #13
    Nomura's Demons L'avatar di Cloud_88
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    Faccio notare che fin'ora i DS hanno avuto nei titoli numeri romani quindi casomai sarebbe IV giusto per mantenere ancora un po' di speranza...che sarà inevitabilmente distrutta a breve
    Se il numero è per il countdown e domani diventa 3 piango dalla gioia.

  14. #14
    E cazzo fanno partire un countdown da 4?
    So crudeli!

  15. #15
    Space engineer L'avatar di jedi.lord
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    da pcgamer.com:
    "A quick search reveals that there is no such place or person as Eír Glanfath, real or fictional. However, “Glanfath” bears a striking resemblance to a form of the Irish verb glan, “glanfaidh,” which means to clean or to clear. Similarly, Eír is similar to Éire, the native Gaelic name of Ireland. And a dirge is traditionally a song for the dead."

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