[2] Road to Xbox Next | Topic di riferimento per rumors e annunci
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Discussione: [2] Road to Xbox Next | Topic di riferimento per rumors e annunci

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  1. #1
    Utente Scoiattolo L'avatar di felixvercetti
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    [2] Road to Xbox Next | Topic di riferimento per rumors e annunci

    Per vedere la parte precedente di questo thread clicca qui: [1]Road to Xbox Next | Topic di riferimento per rumors e annunci

    Per vedere la parte precedente di questo thread clicca qui: Road to Xbox Next | Topic di riferimento per rumors e annunci

    I rumors cominciano a farsi incessanti, con un 2012 povero di esclusive Xbox 360 - nulla all'orizzonte oltre Fable The Journey e Halo 4 - è praticamente scontato un annuncio della prossima Xbox a breve; si spera all'E3 2012, ma le ultime voci vogliono un reveal durante l'E3 2013. L'unica cosa certa è che ci siamo: i PC sono sempre più performanti e gli ultimi titoli soffrono questo divario (Battlefield 3 su tutti).

    Possiamo utilizzare questo topic per discuterne e postare i nostri desideri/speranze. Intanto, facciamo il punto della situazione:

    Rumour: Rare working on “mature” next-gen Xbox game, Lionhead and Turn 10 also making titles

    Rare is prototyping a “mature” launch title for the next-generation Xbox, UK magazine Xbox World 360 has claimed.

    The mag’s latest issue (via Silliegamer) that Lionhead and Forza developer Turn 10 are working on launch titles as well for the next-gen.

    Rare has had a mostly Kinect output as of late with Kinect Sports and elsewhere, but did have Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo and Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts long before then.

    Lionhead, meanwhile, has seen two Fable games come out on 360 this gen, with the Kinect-centric Fable: The Journey coming next year. The studio was also working on the revolutionary-looking Kinect title Milo & Kate, but has since been canned.

    For Turn 10, two Forza Motorsport games this gen has come from the studio, with a third set to debut on Xbox 360 in the US next Tuesday and the UK next Friday.

    A E3 2012 unveil of the next Xbox has been rumoured several times this year, although nothing has been confirmed as yet. Obviously.
    Rumour – Xbox 720 whispers highlight Saints Row 4, Alan Wake 2

    This month’s issue of Xbox World makes reference to multiple games in development for a next-generation Xbox console.

    Xbox World’s Insider column, as reported by CVG, claims “a number of Microsoft-friendly developers are hard at work on prepping next gen games”.

    “Could this be the reason why Remedy are so quiet about Alan Wake 2?” it continues.

    According to the magazine, again reported by CVG, Volition and THQ are already in the planning stages for Saints Row 4 – but not on this generation.

    “We’d have this pencilled in as an Xbox 720 title,” the column claims.
    Four MS employees working on “Xbox next-gen,” says LinkedIn CVs

    Four CVs from LinkedIn have pointed towards more evidence that Microsoft is on working on a successor to Xbox 360.

    Jeff Faulkner is creative director of “Xbox Next-Gen” as of January 2011, while Jonathan Harris is “senior” creative director who’s been working on “Designing the next generation of entertainment” as of September last year.

    Patrick Corrigan is helping to provide UI and branding support for “next-gen XBOX on all forms of media,” while Xbox hardware intern Joe Langevin is helping to prevent “electromagnetic interference in next-gen devices.”

    A next-gen Xbox has been mentioned at least three times this year, with recent reports suggesting games are on the way from Lionhead, Rare and Turn 10, as well as Remedy and THQ.
    Rumour: Next Xbox to get E3 2013 unveil, PS4 games already in works

    Develop’s rumoured today that Microsoft’s planning an E3 unveil and launch of the next Xbox in 2013, and that first-party Sony studios have started “preliminary” work on PlayStation 4 titles.

    The site’s rumouring an E3 2013 unveil based on sources ranging from “processor chip manufacturers to middleware firms,” with a launch to come months afterwards, most likely the holiday period.

    Microsoft launched Xbox 360 in December 2005, seven months after the console’s initial MTV launch special and subsequent E3 press conference.

    Develop also claimed today that Lionhead is working on a new Fable installment as a launch title, something which was recently rumoured by Xbox World 360. The mag also said a “mature” launch game was in the works from Rare.

    Four CVs from Microsoft employees recently pointed to work on the next Xbox hardware.

    Turn 10, Remedy, Volition, Crytek and EA have all also been rumoured to be in possession of dev kits for the new console.

    EA denied the first claim back in May, but Develop is still insisting that the publisher “has rudimentary Xbox console technology on desks.”

    It also says it’s likely the next Unreal Engine will come about earlier than the 2014 timeline given by Epic’s Tim Sweeney at the end of September.

    Develop‘s also said that “various game projects” for PlayStation 4 are underway at several SCE WorldWide Studios.

    Developers working on the games weren’t disclosed, however.

    The main focus for the next few years, however, will be on PS3, Move and Vita for Sony, according to the site, with many in the industry not expecting a new PlayStation until 2014 at least.

    Sony’s refused to comment. The company admitted in May, despite a previous denial from SCE chairman Kaz Hirai from February, it had begun work on a “next platform,” but little else was said.
    An interesting timeline from MS Nerd, who is typically pretty good with the Microsoft Leaks

    Looks like we can expect Tango 1 around January (which sounds about right based on rumors, and hopefully means Tango will be talked about at Nokia World) and Tango 2 around March (in line with NoDo release last year).

    Some of the Xbox stuff is pretty interesting too, points towards a full up Xbox SDK and App Store, next Xbox announce at 2013 and release around Build (September) 2013. Can't figure out what the other stuff means, but looks like a next gen Kinect and such.

    CES 2012
    Win8 + WinStore beta
    <ONM> CTP
    Tango1 launch

    MWC 2012
    Tango2 SDK

    MIX 2012
    Win8 RC
    <ONM> beta
    Tango2 launch + Apollo announce
    Kinect commercial SDK

    E3 2012
    Xbox SDK, 3G Kinect games announce
    Apollo SDK
    Win8 RTM

    Aug 2012
    Win8, <ONM>, WP8, Xbox Store launch

    Build 2012
    XAML+XDE platform
    Win8 PU DP
    <OSN> announce

    CES 2013
    Win8 PU Beta

    MWC 2013
    Apollo+1 teaser

    MIX 2013
    HTML platform (IE11)
    Win8 PU RC
    <OSN> Beta
    Apollo+1 SDK

    E3 2013
    Xbox”loop” announce
    Win8 PU RTM

    Build 2013
    Win9 DP
    <OSN> RTM
    Xbox”loop” launch

    CES 2014
    Win9 Beta

    MWC 2014
    WPN teaser

    MIX 2014
    Win9 RC
    Kinect SDK update

    E3 2014
    Kinect HP2 announce
    Xbox PU announce

    Build 2014
    Win9 RTM (IE12)
    Win9M RTM
    <OSN+1> CTP
    Xbox PU preview

    Nov 2014
    Win9, Win9M, Kinect HP2 launch
    Xbox PU RTW
    DICE su Xbox Next & PS4

    The PC version of first-person shooter Battlefield 3 is what gamers can expect from the next-generation of consoles, developer DICE has said.

    Amid rumours of a 2013 launch for the next Xbox and reports that publishers such as EA have next-gen kits "on desks", Swedish developer DICE has gone on record to say it already knows what to expect from Microsoft and Sony's next-generation efforts.
    "If anyone would build a new console today, that would be the result," Battlefield 3 executive producer Patrick Bach told Eurogamer in reference to the PC version of the game.
    "At least. Probably more, because it's classic PC technology. We know everything about multi-threading now. We know everything about multi-graphics card solutions now. If someone built a console where the specs are that or more, we have the technology to do something. We could port the game to that console tomorrow."
    DICE built Battlefield 3 using its new Frostbite 2 engine, designed to future proof the studio and work with the next Xbox and PlayStation.
    Bach said the next-generation is a case of more horsepower - in particular multiple processors and graphics cards in a single unit.
    "There's nothing we know about now that the new consoles would do differently, rather do more," Bach explained. "More processors. Bigger memory pools. Everything we have and more.
    "The big step is to go from single processor to multi-processor. Single graphics card to multi-graphics card. To multi-memory. Do you do multiple memory pools or one memory pool? Since we can handle both consoles now, we control that as well. We have all the streaming systems. We have whatever we might need for the future.
    "I would be surprised if there were something we couldn't do with the next-generation of consoles."
    As part of an investigation into the next-generation of consoles, Crysis 2 developer Crytek UK told Eurogamer that visuals achieved using the DirectX 11 graphical benchmark were an appropriate indication of what the next Xbox and PlayStation will be capable of.
    But with this extra horsepower stuffed inside new consoles, won't they be expensive?
    Not so, according to Bach.
    "Remember when the 360 and PS3 came out they weren't as expensive as an expensive PC," he explained. "If you optimise things and say, instead of building 10,000 of these graphics cards we want 50 million of these graphics cards, it's like, wait a minute, we can push the price down to zero. Then you get a cheaper console. So if you take this PC technology and just mass produce it for consoles you will get a much lower price."
    For now, gamers hungry for the next Xbox and PlayStation will have to make do with the PC version of the game, out in the UK alongside the console versions on Friday.
    "There's some stuff in here that's truly next-gen," Bach insisted. "A lot of tech stuff, Frostbite 2. Rendering, the lighting, destruction, to me I'm mesmerised no one else has been trying to do it.
    "I'm looking forward to see if other games can start to do some of the things we're doing. We have some really cool stuff."
    Mass Effect 4 Releasing Shortly After Xbox 720 Launch – Xbox World Christmas 2011

    The latest issue of Xbox World is brimming with a varied assortment of exciting rumors, with the Christmas 2011 edition speculating that a brand new Mass Effect title will release shortly after the launch of Microsoft’s next generation successor.

    ”The Insider suspects we might see a new Mass Effect closely following the launch of ‘Xbox 720′ in 2013.”

    A weighty selection of rumors seem to be piling up regarding a potential 2013 release date for the fabled Xbox 720 console, with industry publication Develop recently reporting that trusted sources are indicating that a brand new console is currently pegged for a 2013 launch.

    Bioware is currently adding the finishing touches to the highly anticipated Mass Effect 3, with the Reaper-hunting title set for a release in early 2012. Check out the full rumor below and in the latest edition of Xbox World Magazine.

    ”With Mass Effect 3 out at the start of next year, and the galaxy-wide war spelling the end of the series for now (The Insider suspects we might see a new Mass Effect closely following the launch of ‘Xbox 720′ in 2013). Bioware’s plate is empty and whispers suggest internal teams are keen to revisit the world.”

  2. #2
    Opinion Leader L'avatar di Alienware
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    Riposto (CT)
    La scheda video di Orbis non risale ad una generazione prima? Come fa ad essere più potente di quella di Durango? Cores aggiuntivi esclusi.

    Inviato dal mio telefono treddí con Tapatalk 2

  3. #3
    L'avatar di Burger King
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    Citazione Alienware Visualizza Messaggio
    La scheda video di Orbis non risale ad una generazione prima? Come fa ad essere più potente di quella di Durango? Cores aggiuntivi esclusi.

    Inviato dal mio telefono treddí con Tapatalk 2
    Secondo i rumor sono entrambe della serie 8000. Quella per durango forse una 8800.
    Su Orbis invece non bisogna dimenticare che monterà una APU, quindi in pratica avrà due schede grafiche combinate.

    Ps. Dire che una scheda grafica è meno potente solo perchè di una genrazione prima spesso può essere una castroneria. Bisogna guardare il modello specifico.

  4. #4
    Utente L'avatar di [3vo_91]
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    Se cercate xbox 720 rumor dalla china trovate articoli molto recebti dove vi sono delle immagini di kinect 2 e la console che sembra molto simile alla 360 slim.. non so se le hanno già postate

  5. #5
    Utente L'avatar di nemesi84
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    Citazione [3vo_91] Visualizza Messaggio
    Se cercate xbox 720 rumor dalla china trovate articoli molto recebti dove vi sono delle immagini di kinect 2 e la console che sembra molto simile alla 360 slim.. non so se le hanno già postate
    Nonostante la Cina sia spesso risultata attendibile per svelare in anticipo informazioni sulle nuove tecnologie, dubito che la forma sia definitiva in quanto non credo che sia già in produzione...

  6. #6
    in love L'avatar di Signore_Dei_Raptor
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    Uscita della nuova Xbox in inverno, le intenzioni di Sony sono di anticipare M$ di un mese. Fonte non posso dirla ma accontentatevi di questa anticipazione.

  7. #7
    have a little Faith L'avatar di Circio
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    Citazione Signore_Dei_Raptor Visualizza Messaggio
    Uscita della nuova Xbox in inverno, le intenzioni di Sony sono di anticipare M$ di un mese. Fonte non posso dirla ma accontentatevi di questa anticipazione.
    The sooner, the better. My wallet is ready.

  8. #8
    Utente L'avatar di alastor7000
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    Questo inverno credo anch'io, ma credo anche che la 720 uscirà prima.

  9. #9
    in love L'avatar di Signore_Dei_Raptor
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    Citazione alastor7000 Visualizza Messaggio
    Questo inverno credo anch'io, ma credo anche che la 720 uscirà prima.
    anche io avrei scommesso su una Ps4 in primavera 2014 o al massimo in contemporanea. Infatti, come ho scritto, quelle di Sony sono(erano) solo delle intenzioni niente di definitivo (al momento in cui ho ricevuto la soffiata, un paio di mesi fa).

  10. #10
    Utente Boo L'avatar di the imperator
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    Citazione Signore_Dei_Raptor Visualizza Messaggio
    Uscita della nuova Xbox in inverno, le intenzioni di Sony sono di anticipare M$ di un mese. Fonte non posso dirla ma accontentatevi di questa anticipazione.
    Anche mio nonno defunto mi diede i numeri nel sonno, ma non ho mai fatto 13.

    PSN: Imperator91 || Xbox Live: Imperator77 || Wii U ID: Stinox
    3DS: 3067-7584-6906 / Stinox

    In Game: Monster Hunter Gen [3DS], Dragon Age Origins [PC], Destiny [PS4].

  11. #11
    mUtente L'avatar di Mirkulikkiu
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    Su un sito concorrente vengono riportate delle analisi secondo le quali ps4 arriverà un pizzico dopo, a causa di problemi incontrati in fase di produzione. Ad ogni modo, per entrambe si vocifera dell'inverno 2013, quindi nessun netto distacco temporale come in passato.
    From 1978 with love.

  12. #12
    Utente L'avatar di Cortac
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    Citazione Mirkulikkiu Visualizza Messaggio
    Su un sito concorrente vengono riportate delle analisi secondo le quali ps4 arriverà un pizzico dopo, a causa di problemi incontrati in fase di produzione. Ad ogni modo, per entrambe si vocifera dell'inverno 2013, quindi nessun netto distacco temporale come in passato.
    Qualche tempo fa si diceva l'esatto contrario, pensa un po'…

  13. #13
    mUtente L'avatar di Mirkulikkiu
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    Citazione Cortac Visualizza Messaggio
    Qualche tempo fa si diceva l'esatto contrario, pensa un po'…
    E' vero
    Aaah, il gustoso piacere di fare congetture su rumours...
    From 1978 with love.

  14. #14
    Postate come se vi venisse la cagarella se Orbis o 720 escano prima dell'altra. State sereni e preparate i fazzoletti da entrambe le parti

  15. #15
    in love L'avatar di Signore_Dei_Raptor
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    Citazione the imperator Visualizza Messaggio
    Anche mio nonno defunto mi diede i numeri nel sonno, ma non ho mai fatto 13.
    avessi riportato uno scoop del secolo e mi fossi vantato alla grande...ma è un po' il segreto di pulcinella.

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