[PC-PS3-360]Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - Pag 2
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Discussione: [PC-PS3-360]Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

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  1. #16
    SnakeEater L'avatar di SnakeEater
    Registrato il
    Breda, the Netherlands
    sto gioco l'ho sempre seguito....a partire dal trailer in cui ferivano il compagno e lo si prendeva tra le braccia....ero rimasto di stucco....
    La tua firma supera almeno un limite massimo in quanto a dimensioni ed il limite di peso. Ti ricordiamo quindi che la larghezza massima consentita è di 500 pixel, l'altezza di 158 ed il peso di 40960 bytes. Ti inviamo inoltre a leggere il regolamento per ripassare le disposizioni in merito.

  2. #17
    PIWello L'avatar di Purgi85
    Registrato il
    Questo gioco sarà mio all'uscita soprattutto dopo questi video.
    E' fantastico

  3. #18
    aka zzyklon, since 2004 L'avatar di theTAP
    Registrato il
    Quando esce?

  4. #19
    Give me more power!!!! L'avatar di Hitsugaya_Toushiro
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    mi interessa paecchio per il fatto che ti puoi nascondere diventando un TPS, come rainbow six vegas

  5. #20
    Il Pesce Nero L'avatar di col_moschin
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    caldogno (Vicenza)
    stupendo! il mirino si deve poter togliere spero.

  6. #21
    enfant terrible !!!!!! L'avatar di jcsolid89
    Registrato il
    Shadow Moses
    Citazione Evil666
    Mi ispira un macello. Graficamente spacca ed il gameplay sembra una figata
    quoto!!!!! a me piace un casino !!!

  7. #22
    Atalantino L'avatar di danny991
    Registrato il
    Citazione col_moschin
    stupendo! il mirino si deve poter togliere spero.
    secondo te, in un gioco votato al realismo estremo, non si può togliere il mirino

  8. #23
    Un Blasfemo L'avatar di The_Godfather
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    Citazione danny991
    secondo te, in un gioco votato al realismo estremo, non si può togliere il mirino
    Io giocavo senza mirino infatti

    Bestemmivo come un turco nelle situazioni più concitate... ma alla fine ne valeva la pena

  9. #24
    Libertà è partecipazione L'avatar di zabin
    Registrato il
    molto,molto bello.
    è l'unico fps che mi ispira per trama e approccio tattico.
    qualcono sa se si inpersonerà hartsock o baker?

  10. #25
    SpamMoD Team Member L'avatar di Kh4Rn3f1X
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    quando dovrebbe uscire?

  11. #26
    Bannato L'avatar di vegeth ssj2
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    in the end of world

  12. #27
    SpamMoD Team Member L'avatar di Kh4Rn3f1X
    Registrato il
    Citazione vegeth ssj2
    buono buono, un po' di attesa ci può stare

  13. #28
    Atalantino L'avatar di danny991
    Registrato il
    Citazione zabin
    molto,molto bello.
    è l'unico fps che mi ispira per trama e approccio tattico.
    qualcono sa se si inpersonerà hartsock o baker?


    EDIT: ecco una lista di nuove "features" presa da en.wikipedia.org

    • It has been confirmed in a game-play demo that Baker, Paddock, Hartsock, Corrion, Courtland and Zanovich will be in it.
    • In the pre-E3 trailer, a civilian is shown communicating with the sergeant to alert him of a hiding soldier behind a clothesline, indicating civilian interaction will be implemented.
    • Also, Matt Baker now has the ability to use heavy weapons. In the E3 trailer, he is shown ordering a bazooka round to be fired upon an 88. He can also make use of machine gun squads, mortar teams and a radio man who can call in artillery or air support.
    • There are new moves called Brotherhood Moments where your character is shortly taken over by a computer and catches one of the players fallen comrades. "Bro-Mos´" are meant to show the bonds between the fighting men of the time period.
    • The player's weapon swings around more realistically as it would in real life instead of just staying centered (or moving slightly). This is due to the new camera system. Gearbox describes it as a 3rd person camera placed inside the players head. This means that they can work with a whole avatar and not a fixed camera and disembodied arms holding a gun. Because of that Baker´s limbs will be more closely tied to the game physics.
    • The player can now go prone as well as crouch and stand. Only crouching and standing were available in previous games in the series.
    • On most of the missions there will be no objective marker, which is different from almost all other shooters. Instead the player will have to rely on clues presented in-game as they move towards their target. The 10 minute trailer showed examples of this. The player had the objective of destroying two German 88´s, but did not know exactly where they were. Over the horizon were flak puffs and when a group of U.S. planes flew over, one was shot down, suggesting the position of the objective. Also, as the player got closer to the position, there was a German on a rooftop, acting as a spotter for the gun placements. The player will need to be able to recognize hints like these to succeed.
    • The full E3 video can be downloaded in 720p from the Xbox Live Marketplace.
    • The characters in the series are set to become more developed, each with their own personal history, characteristics and habits.
    • Cut scenes have become more detailed and realistic.
    • There is a slight possibility that if this game shows the 101st in Holland in the 8th of October the player could see Colonel "Jumpy" Johnson of the 501st death as well as Lieutenant Colonel Robert G. Cole.
    • An interesting note about the multi-player in the new BIA is that the player will have the option of fighting on a campaign map, with a friend. The player and a friend will fight over territories and then gain positional advantages to take hold of Europe.
    • New animations include the player's squad-mates tripping and falling during combat while others will help them up.
    • Hell's Highway will include a cover system that is similar to Rainbow Six: Vegas; the screen will indicate your current health. When the player exposes himself from cover, the screen will start to darken into a red color, with safe cover remaining clear. However, once safe behind cover, the screen will return clear, and resume as normal. This will only happen if threats are in the immediate area.
    • There will be hallucinations, delusions and flashbacks about the character's exploits during the first two BIA games, some of the involving characters such as Pvt. Kevin Legget and other characters from the previous two games who were killed in action.
    • A slow-mo effect will be added when you kill enemies with a grenade, although it was said that it will not be overdone to avoid being too unrealistic.
    • Some objects in the game are destructible, meaning covers can be destroyed with repeated heavy fire or explosives.
    • Your squad will not immediately attack the enemy, instead you will have to order when to fire on sight and when to fire on command.
    • It has been confirmed that the player can pick up machine guns such as an MG42 and fire it from the hip or from behind cover.
    • Germans will be able to move machine guns around as well, working much in the same way as the players mobile machine gun crews.
    • A Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway comic was announced on June 15th
    Ultima modifica di danny991; 17-07-2007 alle 21:12:51

  14. #29
    Citazione danny991
    il gioco si baserà anche sulle vicende passate, in particolar modo sulla vita di legget e sulla morte misteriosa di allen e garnett

    non mancheranno flashback o dialoghi basati sulla campagna di normandia
    Perchè mai misteriosa? Tra road to hill 30 e earned in blood si capisce benissimo come sono stati uccisi. Crucchi. Che poi mi sembra sono stati uccisi da leggett
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  15. #30
    Ragazzi si sanno già per caso i requisiti minimi? e soprattutto girerà su dx9 o bisogna avere le dx10 ( e vista ) ?
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