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Discussione: [1][Thread Ufficiale] Mount & Blade: Warband

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  1. #31
    Utente L'avatar di Jab
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    Viareggio "on the beach"
    ...Datemi retta, compratevi la sola KEY e poi scaricatevi il gioco, cosi' bypassate STEAM...

    ...ci sono ancora 2 KEY a 11€ su Keys4.me:...



  2. #32
    Registrato il
    Speriamo non finiscano prima che mi decida a farmi la postepay... Maledetti genitori con le loro carte di credito, non ci sono mai quanto servono.

  3. #33
    Utente L'avatar di Jab
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    Viareggio "on the beach"

    M&B WB:...MOD [s] Propesy of Pendor v.3.2...^^

    ...Finalmente una delle piu' famose MOD per Mount&Blade Singleplayer e' stata trasferita su WARBAND...
    ...ecco il la descrizione della MOD presa direttamente dal tread ufficiale:...
    Current Version: 3.2


    Download Link:

    Note that the download includes a readme in Word format that covers all of the stories, features and credits.

    Note: This is a very large mod with many textures so it is [size=12pt]slow[/size] to load: Have patience.

    How to Install a Mod for Mount&Blade:

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (in progress)
    Where you can get a quick list of features and Screenshots for Prophesy of Pendor V3.0.

    Where you can get a quick list of the many people who put their skills to use, so that you can enjoy this entertainment offering.

    Quick start guide and FAQ’s:
    Where you can find the most frequently asked questions and their answers. Very useful! LOOK HERE FIRST PLEASE!

    Mod Compatibility and Cheats:
    Wanting to enhance your experience with Prophesy of Pendor? Look here to see what works and what does not.

    This is where you can gain additional information regarding the game world, how to do things, specials and lots of information. You are encouraged to not only read this, but to create an account and contribute.

    Issue Reporting:

    The Background Story

    Technical Notes and General Information:

    • [li] Not save game compatible with older versions of Prophesy of Pendor V1.00 to V2.5 including BETA’s of POP 3.0. [/li]

      [li] Take great care when attempting to install other stand-alone mods as enhancements to Pop 2.0. Embrace the expectation of failure. Make sure you can back out of anything you change. Do not assume that tweaking text files will work the same as they do in Native. [/li]

      [li]The first time you start to play.. The music does not start on the Splash screen (where you select to create a new character, restore games etc), it is to your advantage to exit the game and re-launch. We have had instances where the music does not start on the first time installs and there is important information relating to the game that you will miss. [/li]

      [li] While this has been heavily tested by dozens of rabid bug hunting folks who are obsessed with quality assurance, there may be minor issues. Please post them in the issue folder provided on the community forum. [/li]
      [li]This was developed on a low end system to ensure that it played smoothly on all systems that can normally handle Mount&Blade. [/li]
      [li]Please do not ask the Development team where quests are, how to find the Easter Eggs etc. Most of what is public will be found on the Wiki and the Development Team does not know where the Ester eggs are located.

    NOTE for users experiencing crashes due to 64 bit operating systems.
    There is a performance enhancement file that can be unpacked in this download. Open it up and read the directions to optiize the module for performance. Not recommended for non 64 bit systems.

    Lista delle nuove Features:
    Note: Prophesy of Pendor 3.2 (PoP 3, Warband) works only with Mount and Blade: Warband version 1.132 (the latest patch)

    New features:
    - Intelligent tactical AI and battle formations (see Treebeard's stickied guide for details and keys)
    - A hidden outpost of a minor faction (no spoilers here!)
    - New intro quests
    - Treasure maps leading to hidden lairs
    - Gender equality: females get fiefs when invited to join a faction and don't have a hard time trying to get hired as mercs
    - Added reference pages under Notes->Game Concepts for buildings and knighthood orders
    - Cheater achievement rewritten (cheating three times will trigger it, and it doesn't disable other achievements, only their rewards)
    - Factionalized items (there are many faction-specific items that are available only in faction's town stores)
    - Auto-recruiting from bound villages (seneschal dialog) and auto-training (depends on seneschal Training skill) of player garrisons
    - Additional music tracks for battles and weddings and the Noldor
    - New voice sets for Diev, Sarleon and Empire lords plus audio orders for Formations (not every time as that was too much)
    - Mouse-driven death camera
    - Additional game options "Important news only" (all or no messages about lords, lootings and sieges that don't concern your faction) and "Battle formations" (toggles both formations and the tactical AI on/off)
    - King-hired mercs escort the king as a separate party, they also enter and exit centers with the king, and drop off prisoners in centers
    - Added a message to notify when a fief is awarded
    - Integrated More Metal Sounds 2.2
    - New sounds
    - Noble recruit notifications
    - Some buildings have added capabilities (attract nobles)

    Changes from POP 3.01 and Warband:
    - New and updated items by Archangel
    - Updated scenes and additional item LODs by Sysyphe
    - Player kingdom management is Warband-style, with additional POP dialogs
    - The economy is a hybrid PoP/WB, with POP building improvements
    - Sarranids (6th kingdom) were removed, but their items are available in D'Shar stores
    - Bandit lairs populated with POP denizens
    - Additional companion dialogs and traits needed for Warband

    Selected tweaks:
    - Many troop and item stats were rebalanced
    - Prisoner Mgmt skill: lowered prisoners per point from 15 to 10
    - Map: moved several villages, so towns always have at least two of them
    - Adjusted spawning probabilities of minor factions to be more balanced (less Heretic armies, more Snake Warbands etc. - spawns should be more diverse now); added missing messages for 3 Seers, Eyegrim and Noldor lords spawning
    - Sorted most of the party templates (including kingdom reinforcements) to place stronger troops first (with some exceptions where strong troops appear at a later battle phase to make things interesting, like for Noldor Lords, Burilgi etc.)
    - AI garrisons sorted by troop level and real strength whenever they are reinforced or gain xp, archers biased by +25% (i.e. moved up), order troops moved down (-50%) so it's not impossible to siege an order town
    - Kingdom reinf. templates rewritten: more balance between kingdoms, kingdom parties get their Order troops like in 2.5
    - Tweaked down tax inefficiency
    - Disabled Warband renown reduction when renown is high
    - Halved speed of night fighting for every AI battle
    - Some Empire troops (Legionnaire, Noble Legionnaire Recruit, Gladiator, Immortal) changed to infantry, less spear-throwing (Empire parties autocalc values now more in line with the rest)
    - Siege AI updated to gauge prospects with POP autocalc (both while planning and while sieging) - i.e. AI more careful, likely to attack easier targets like castles and villages

    POP 3.01 bugs fixed:
    - More accurate heraldic armor back colors
    - Marleons Heavy Cavalry, Barclay Lancers now always have horses; Sheriff, Empire regular and Guardian Knights now have Riding skills
    - Fixed a bug that prevented Noldor Lords from spawning, except by rumor
    - Damaging already damaged improvements on capture/raid, caused repeated penalties or magical repair
    - Refugee party when invited to join gives wrong answers
    - Corrected building effects or description text for several buildings so they are consistent with each other
    - Map: wayward vertex near Valorshield moved - caused parties to get stuck
    - Map: flipped to face north

    Warband bugs fixed:
    - Removed a set of duplicate banners
    - Fixed a WB bug that prevents the last prisoner troop of a certain type to escape (causing enormous prisoner lists in castles etc.)
    - Economy: WB bug fixed - symptoms were inflated prices and shortage of goods in stores; production of various goods rebalanced for POP (e.g. fish produced only in coastal villages and towns); boosted number of different goods in stores
    - Lords seem to defect to a single faction
    - Lords go on to siege castles recently captured by their own faction

    Have fun!
    The POP Dev Team

    Guida alle Formazioni delle truppe:
    Note from the Dev Team: This guide is by Treebeard, fiendish inventor of Vicky, the new Virtual Intelligence, who has made it necessary for the Dev Team to invest in large quantities of Vaseline before a battle with any group of significant importance, because we knew we'd need it! She's whipped us like a red-headed stepchild on numerous occasions, and if you skip reading Treebeard's guide, you will shortly find yourselves in BIG trouble. Luckily, though the game starts with Formations turned on, you can turn off Formations in the camp menu if Vicky proves too much for you, particularly if you are not an experienced player. We also advise that, since no one but the Dev Team has played with Vicky activated, even quite experienced players reduce difficulty levels in your games initially until you get to know her better. (We did.) She's a whole new animal! Players new to M&B/Warband and inexperienced players BEWARE! Please read Treebeard's guide which follows or you will definitely come to grief when Vicky gets hold of you!

    The new VI (Battle AI) triggers when the Battle Formations setting is turned ON (in PoP options in the Camp Menu). It is combined with formations. Both the VI and the player have Formations capability. The VI will use formations in combination with maneuvering in order to give the player a greater challenge on the battlefield. The VI is also responsive to the player’s actions and will react in a sensible way. The VI is dynamic and will not act exactly the same in two repeated battles. If the player finds the VI to be too hard, it can be turned off in the PoP settings. When the VI is active the player’s commands have a chance to be spoken. Do not use the Esc key when issuing orders. That will mess up the audio commands because the Esc key cannot be listened to by the code (- TW problem). If you have un-synced audio commands they can be re-synced by selecting a battle group (numeric keys 1 through 0 on the keyboard). On some occasions, the battle order panel may become disabled (it will not trigger by pressing the Backspace key) upon knockout of the player. If this happens you’ll have to watch the battle play out without being able to issue any “post-mortem” commands, so make sure you command your troops wisely. Player battles against the VI incur a small bonus to renown.

    I decided to call it VI to make it stand out against normal Native AI and other mods’ AI.
    AI means Artificial Intelligence and implies something that is real and has intelligence (- an Intelligent machine for example). An artificial intelligence is creative and can evolve on its own.

    In contrast, VI means Virtual Intelligence. Virtual is something that is not real and that simulates something. In this case the computer simulates Intelligence by following logical rules and tracking information on the battlefield. A VI can’t be creative and evolve on its own. It is kind of like comparing “Virtual Reality” with “Actual Reality”.

    Vicky is derived from the first letters in Virtual Intelligence. It gives the VI a nice personality tied to a name. Actually Vicky is gender neutral (the name can be derived from either Victoria or Victor), but it is commonly thought to be a female.

    Vicky is the player’s challenger. She/He will do her/his best to challenge the player on the battlefield and make the player pay for being sloppy.

    If the player likes he can turn off Vicky by changing the Battle Formations to OFF in the Camp Menu under POP Options. Of course, once you have met Vicky you don’t want to turn her/him off, would you? That would be Rude!

    Cavalry starts in Wedge and I rarely take them out of that formation prior to charging.

    Upon charge any formation will be undone.

    When Formations is turned ON in the Camp menu, it will add the ability for Infantry to form Ranks, Shield Wall, Square and Wedge. Archers gain the ability to form a staggered line. Cavalry gains the ability to form a Wedge.

    In order for the troops to be able to form any formation, they will need to have a certain number. For cavalry the minimum number of troops is 5. For archers and Infantry the minimum number is 12 troops.
    At any time in a battle when you have issued a formation form command or give the Hold order, the current formation will set up near the position that you (the player) had when you issued the command: infantry to the left, cavalry to the right, and archers up front.

    Player troops start every battle in formation. The AI also uses formations and can move in formations. If the player wants to move and keep formations, then he holds down the Hold order and points the “hold flag” at the position he wants his formations to move. Alternatively, he can use the Advance 10 Steps order repeatedly to move his selected troops in formation. A third alternative is to use the mini-map control panel (accessible by pressing Backspace) and click on a position on it to move and hold that position.

    The formation key bindings are:

    "J" for ranks – Ranks is a three line deep formation that puts the most experienced troops in the front. It is available for Infantry. The command also applies to Archers, but in their case they will form a Staggered Line. This formation is good against other infantry and archers.

    "K" for Shield Wall –The shield wall command will only affect Infantry. This makes them form three lines. They will have shield units in the front, then short weapons, then pole weapons. This formation is good to use when advancing against archers.

    "L" for Wedge (NOTE: the player should reassign the "L" for "Log" mapping to another unused key) – Wedge commands can affect Cavalry and Infantry. It is a triangular formation that has its tip towards the general enemy position. The formation uses its most experienced troops in the front. This formation is good to make a dent in a different formation and split it up. It is best used with high level troops that have good armor and weapons.

    ";" for Square - The Square command makes a square out of the square root of the number of Infantry units. If you have 25 Infantry units the square will be five columns with five units in each column. This formation is a useful defensive formation against cavalry.

    "U" for No Formation (undo formation) –This command disassembles all current formations for the selected troop type(s) and puts them back in Native Hold formation mode.

    When will a Formation be undone? It will be undone when you issue a Charge command. For Cavalry it will also be undone if you issue a Dismount command.

    In what direction do formations face? Formations face the general direction of the enemy.

    Please note:
    Treebeard's formations only work against organized armies, like those of the lords, not with disorganized groups like bandits or Vanskerry raiders.

    To make Formations work:

    1.You must have Battle Formations ON
    2.The encountered party must belong to a disciplined faction
    3.The battle type must be a regular field battle (- i.e. not a village attack or siege or such battles)

    Undisciplined factions are generally troops on the map that have white color. Other undisciplined factions are: Red Brotherhood, Mystmountain, Mountain Bandits, Forest Bandits, Outlaws.

    When you are in a Formations and VI battle you'll notice a message at the start of the battle about Forming troops. If there is no such message you are in a battle against undisciplined troops and Formations and VI are turned off.

    Disciplined factions are all kingdom factions, heretics, snake cult, noldor, Renegade knights and Jatu. In these battles you'll face the VI and have formations (if you have the Battle Formations option turned ON).

    When in a Formations and VI battle it also depends on which group/division you have currently selected. If you have archers listening and you order a square or wedge command it will have no effect. If you select everyone (0) then those who can form for example wedge will do so (if you order wedge). So if you have a selection that consists of less than required troop types for a certain formation, then they won't be able to form that formation.

    ...qui trovate il tread ufficiale sulla MOD:...

    Ultima modifica di Jab; 9-12-2010 alle 16:13:30


  4. #34
    Nevetz L'avatar di Red Noah
    Registrato il
    il giallo nello spoiler è semplicemente illeggibile
    Ho firme e avatar disattivati.

  5. #35
    Utente L'avatar di Jab
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    Viareggio "on the beach"
    Citazione Red Noah Visualizza Messaggio
    il giallo nello spoiler è semplicemente illeggibile
    ...Grazie della segnalazione...




  6. #36
    In game dal 1989.. L'avatar di Conte Wolfers
    Registrato il
    Curiosità: Mi hanno parlato di mod preistorica, ma googlando una banalissima ricerca "M&B prehistoric mod" non ho trovato nulla. Potete parlarmene?

  7. #37
    Utente L'avatar di Jab
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    Viareggio "on the beach"
    ...Mi pare di aver visto qualche cosa del genere i giro, probabilemnte degli Screen...

    ...ma adesso non saprei dove cercare...

    ...di certo si tratta di M&B e non di Warband...



  8. #38
    Registrato il
    Conoscete qualche clan italiano disposto a reclutare gente non proprio espertissima?
    Imho il multy nelle partite random perde molto del suo fascino.

  9. #39
    Utente L'avatar di Jab
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    Viareggio "on the beach"
    Citazione Mjollnir Visualizza Messaggio
    Conoscete qualche clan italiano disposto a reclutare gente non proprio espertissima?



  10. #40
    Utente L'avatar di Jab
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    Viareggio "on the beach"

    M&B WB:...1° "Native" Compatible Role-Play server, disponibile a breve...^^

    ...Ecco uno dei progetti piu' innovativi che vedranno la luce verso fine Dicembre...!
    ...in pratica si tratta di un piccolo Regno popolato da fazioni SWADIA E RODOCK, in un mondo persistente sulla falsa riga del PWMOD dove ci sara' una enorme mappa con castelli, villaggi, foreste, ecc. in cui vivere fantastiche avventure con i propi personaggi, grazie alle sapienti doti di Master e dell'interpretazione GDR dei giocatori che creeranno un'atmosfera unica nel panorama di Warband...

    ...la cosa interessante di questo progetto e' che non si tratta di una mod...!
    ...quindi non richiedera' nessun file da scaricare o installazioni strane, ma solo di collegarsi al server e seguire il libro delle Regole (che trovate piu' sotto)...

    ...in breve ecco l'elenco delle novita' apportate, alcune immagini e l'importantissimo libro delle "Regole del Server" in inglese:...

    Caratteristiche del Server

    Aspettatevi di trovare tutte le caratteristiche qua sotto riportate nella versione finale del Server:
    * Non c'è bisogno di scaricare un mod speciale, si puo' giocare con la sola versione base "Native"
    * Il GDR verra' gestito da un TEAM amministrativo gestional con piu' di 6 anni d'esperienza nel campo del GDR.
    * Una gigantesca (simile alle dimensioni del PW Mod) mappa, in cui si richiede diversi minuti per viaggiare da una parte all'altra a piedi.
    * Interagire con l'ambiente e gli altri giocatori con la chat comandi '/use'
    * Ogni giocatore può creare e salvare più personaggi, se un'altra persona cerca di giocare un vostro personaggio ottiene un kick automatico.
    * Statistich edl personaggio, l'attrezzatura e il denaro vengono salvati, e caricati al momento della connessione.
    * Scaverete con il vostro piccone per poi fondere il minerale in barre di ferro nella fornace.
    * Utilizzare le barre di ferro per fabbricare armi o armature o pagare un fabbro che lo faccia per te nel modo migliore e più veloce.
    * Mietitura del grano, coltivazione di frutta e verdura con strumenti specializzati.
    * Commercio e vendere i vostri beni, con gli NPC o altri giocatori e fare una fortuna!
    * Trovare un lavoro come minatore o agricoltore per i più grandi rendimenti, o di scegliere qualsiasi altra occupazione che si possa immaginare, ognuno con le proprie abilità speciali e attrezzature!
    * Utilizzare i soldi che hai guadagnato per acquistare una delle innumerevoli case (con interni), attrezzature, armi, cavalli o merci di scambio.
    * Chat Locale e Globale saranno separati utilizzando comandi di chat.
    * Si puo' combattere con qualcuno, solo una volta ogni tanto, quindi tenetene di conto! Questo rende impossibile il randoming.
    * Organizzare combattimenti di gruppo con altri gruppi con l'utilizzo di comandi di chat!
    * E molto altro ancora ... (L'elenco sarà aggiornato)

    Questi sono alcuni Screen della mappa che andremo ad utilizzare:


    Informazioni Utili:
    Se abbiamo catturato il vostro interesse ed avete STEAM, potete aderire al "Roleplayers Warband steamgroup", in modo che future novita' vi saranno subito disponibili oppure se il server è on line, sarete i primi a saperlo! Clicca qui per visitare la pagina steamgroup. Se si desidera iniziare a prepararsi da subito, non esitate. . .Ci sono un sacco di documenti e informazione sul nostro forum Anche io ho creato il seguente manuale che è assolutamente da leggere per chi è interessato a giocare insieme:

    Speriamo di essere online intorno al 21 Dicembre, ma potrebbe essere un po' più tardi. Sentirete parlare nuovamente di noi al piu' presto !

    ...qui trovate il link al tread originale:...



  11. #41
    In game dal 1989.. L'avatar di Conte Wolfers
    Registrato il
    Ieri ho scaricato la trial e l'ho provato.

    Spettacolo *_*

    Lunedi corro a comprarlo, se non lo trovo (Ho un negozietto che di solito è ben fornito della paradox) mi butto su steam

  12. #42
    Registrato il
    Esiste qualche mod che migliora il native senza apportare grandi modifiche?
    Qualcosa come l'extended M&B

  13. #43
    Pessimista a ragione. L'avatar di Jeff
    Registrato il
    L'ho preso anche io, comunque. Online mi potete beccare come Jefferian. Immagino che la copia possa esser usata su un singolo pc, eh. Mi sa che me ne tocca prendere un altro per il portatile, almeno si gioca in 2 (io e mio fratello).
    I'm not the postmaster, I'm some poor bastard who's the victim of some stupid...experiment. What a place! What a situation! What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.
    Moist Von Lipwig, Going Postal [Terry Pratchett]

  14. #44
    Utente L'avatar di Jab
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    Viareggio "on the beach"
    ...Nl caso vi interessi fate un salto sul sever AB_GAMEHOSTING, dovrebbe avere un buon ping per chi gioca dall'italia...

    ...il gioco puo' essere installato piu' volte io ce l'ho su tre pc...
    ...due fissi e un portatile...



  15. #45
    Utente L'avatar di FaNcAzZiSmO
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    Citazione Jab Visualizza Messaggio
    ...Nl caso vi interessi fate un salto sul sever AB_GAMEHOSTING, dovrebbe avere un buon ping per chi gioca dall'italia...

    ...il gioco puo' essere installato piu' volte io ce l'ho su tre pc...
    ...due fissi e un portatile...

    domanda alla cazzo XD Ma si può giocare da 2 pc con la stessa key contemporaneamente?

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