Annunciato ufficialmente Heroes of Might and Magic VI!!!11one!111
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Discussione: Annunciato ufficialmente Heroes of Might and Magic VI!!!11one!111

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  1. #1

    Annunciato ufficialmente Heroes of Might and Magic VI!!!11one!111



    Sito Ufficiale

    Video dal GamesCon

    Alcuni Articoli: IGN, Gamespy, Hooked Gamers

    Data d'uscita prevista: Marzo 2011

    Alcune info utili:

    * Any interesting changes?
    Oh yes!
    - Area of Control system
    - Town/dwelling conversion
    - New tier system. Core, elite and champion units instead of tier 1-7, first category has 3 units, same with second and 1 for the last one. Units under the same category will have similar stats/strength but different roles on the battlefield, they are designed to work in synergy.
    - Revised RPG system. There will be might and magic classes, male and female heroes for each faction, advanced classes return. Also level ups will work with point allocation instead of random skills popping up.
    - Combat arena improvements. Various sizes and shapes, obstacles may appear or disappear during battle, different combat adjectives added(hold your ground for X turns, defend this sacred shrine at the center of the arena, kill a specific enemy stack, etc) and there will be boss fights.
    - Initiative system abandoned.

    * How many factions will we get?
    Five for now.

    * What do we know about the factions?
    Haven, inferno and necro are in, we should know more in the near future. It has been disclosed that the fifth faction will be new to the series.

    * Will there be any camera rotation? It really irked me in H5.
    H6 will come with a fixed camera angle so that you don't have to rotate to see hidden objects but rotation is still possible. As soon as you release the button though, it returns to its default angle. It is possible to zoom in and out, when at maximum zoom the camera angle gets more horizontal.

    * When will the release be?
    Aiming for March 2011.

    * Will there be map editor?
    Absolutely, if possible it will be released before the game is out. At worst you will get it at the same time.

    * Has the storyline improved?
    Of course! With Marzhin the creator of LotA in the team we are in good hands. Also stories will be more complex and more personal for the protagonists. Gameplay-wise you can start with any faction campaign and if you finish them all there will be one more to unlock. There will be some cool surprises along the way as you will see.

    * When is H6 set?
    About 400 years before the events of H5. For timelinereference look around 564 YSD, 2nd Eclipse - Rise of the Demon Sovereign.

    * Why were the resources reduced?
    Various reasons including lore, balance and mapmaking. Don't worry they have thought this through.

    * Will we have a silly amount of dragons in the factions again?
    No you can rest easy.

    * Will there be town screens?
    In animated 2d actually.

    * Any gameplay videos?
    Combat and Adventure Map.

    * In the gamescom video music, sounds and interface are lacking/reused/whatever. What gives?
    The gamescom presentation was done in a pre-alpha unpolished version don't worry. A good part of what you saw were placeholders and will be replaced.

    * Are Archangel's Castle reports reliable?
    Yes, they come from the VIP team.

    * Is cepheus really part of the VIP forum?
    He was in before I even knew of its existence

    * Can you tell me..?
    There is a list of what I can reveal in public for now but rest assured that if I have the green light you'll be the first to know. For now you could check this thread.

    * Can you forward my suggestion to ubi?
    Ubi has been following community suggestions(not just HC) for a few years so they should have a pretty good idea of what the fans want. Also the VIP team ARE fans, they walk amongst you

    * Will there be artifacts sets?
    Sure but they will not be combined like in H3. Still they will give set bonuses.

    * Why is necro a faction? Timeline says they aren't a major force and still living amongst the wizards.
    That's more or less irrelevant, necromancers and undead still exist and CAN be rallied for the purpose of the campaign. Remember that a faction does not represent a whole nation. And seriously.. They weren't even a faction in H5, you didn't complain then

    * What about alternative upgrades?
    Sorry, maybe in the future.

    * What about the system requirements?
    We don't know yet.

    * What about DRM..?
    The dev team have nothing to do with it I'm afraid, however I have good reason to believe the game will not have it.

    *Creature dwellings will work as resource production buildings
    Basically, when you first capture a creature dwelling you will receive a first batch of creatures that you can integrate straight away to your army. The building will then work as a resource building meaning that it will add creatures to your creature pool every week as a gold mine would add gold to your resources. These creatures will then be hirable via the cities and forts you control.

    *Town / Fort / Creature dwelling conversion will be available

    *2D animated town screens WILL be in the game

    *Town unique buildings
    2 slots, 4 buildings per town, each with a different ability (economy booster, creature production booster, gives a special ability on the adventure map or the combat maps)
    Having several similar unique buildings in different towns improves their efficiency (a bit like the marketplaces).

    *General principles of the revised RPG system
    - Heroes can be male, female, Might, Magic
    - Heroes have faction and class specific abilities
    - Heroes gain skill points when they level up, that they can spend consciously on "general" abilities organized in skill categories – they have total control over their development – no more "probability-based" limited skill choices offered to the player
    - Heroes can unlock advanced classes that will change their appearance and grant them an ultimate ability

    *More variety in the combat arenas
    - Specific topography (various sizes and shapes for the battle arenas)
    - Dynamic topography (seashore battle with the tide flooding the arena turn by turn)
    - Different combat objectives (hold your ground for X turns, defend this sacred shrine at the center of the arena, kill a specific enemy stack, etc.)
    - Boss fights!

    *Initiative system
    Back to H3 mechanics but with a H5-like INI bar interface.

    *Fixed camera angle
    On the adventure map, to avoid rotating the camera to locate hidden items.
    Easier to manage for players and map designers, feels like 2D navigation but with the benefit of 3D coolness

    *No secondary / alternative upgrades

    *The Artifact Sets
    Nothing special – you collect them all and you get a bonus.

    *The different tilesets
    Jungle, Plains (Summer AND Autumn), Lava, Wasteland (Necropolis), Underground.

    *Campaign structure
    5 campaigns of 4 maps, 1 per faction, playable in any order, with an optional tutorial map and a mandatory prologue map.

    *The Map editor
    With Marzhin’s involvement the goal is to make it user-friendly and shipped before the game, or at least simultaneously with it.

    And a couple of additions courtesy of Elvin:

    *New tier system
    Units are no longer divided in successive levels of strength, they fall under three categories: Core, elite and champion.
    The former 2 categories have 3 units each and there is one champion unit. Take haven, the archer and the spear guy will be of comparable strength since they are both core units.

    *Creature Siege Damage
    Creature stacks can now damage the fortifications but are less efficient than catapults.

    *Presence of critters on the adventure map
    Turtles, dolphins, birds, etc.

    27.08.10 More updates, courtesy of

    - The 4th faction will be announced in November. It's a known faction from previous Heroes.

    - The 5th faction will be an original faction. It will be announced in January only.

    - The creatures belonging to the same category (core, elite) will have similar stats but their abilities will determine their role on the battlefield.

    - During sieges, we can put archers in the main tower

    - The defensive moats will be back

    - Creatures will still have passive and active abilities (like Griffins still have their Dive - which one wasn't said though

    - Some kind of line of sight system will make its appearance again.

    - Creatures won't be able to wander on the map without hero

    - The focus points and the dwelling systems are made to put more emphasis on our main hero, rather than having people buying heroes to make chains of heroes

    - The Phoenix will be back as a neutral creature. It will be blue because it is linked to the Moon. (Ubisoft is trying to create its own bestiary for M&M universe)

    - Town conversion will be very expensive and take several turns (not said how many). A player can stop the conversion by attacking the city and interrupting it (not said if it's automatic or if you have to click something)

    - During a conversion, buildings that are common to all towns won't be destroyed (marketplace, tavern, town hall)

    - At the beginning of a map, a scrolling will show the "points of interests" of a map (a bit like KB when you first visit an island)

    - The combat arena with bosses will have "special" designs

    - A huge work has been done on every creature's animations : passive, dealing damage, taking damage (seems the griffin is screaming a lot)

    - The rare ressource is named "crystallized dragon blood"

    - It will be possible to put units in the forts controlling your areas

    E' ufficiale!!!

    Vado a brindare!

    PS: ma come mai nessuno se n'era accorto???? Vi state rammollendo in questa sezione!!!
    Ultima modifica di Sephiroth1984; 8-09-2010 alle 12:41:48

  2. #2
    The Scarlet Devil

    L'ho detto prima io, gnè gnè gnè

  3. #3
    Overlord alle prime armi L'avatar di SERPENTE915
    Registrato il
    ma io voglio Dark Messiah 2

  4. #4
    Citazione The Scarlet Devil Visualizza Messaggio

    L'ho detto prima io, gnè gnè gnè
    Bene soldato, allora vuol dire che non vi siete proprio rammolliti in questo corpo!

    Fa niente...volevo gioire con voi della notizia!

    Citazione SERPENTE915
    ma io voglio Dark Messiah 2
    Zenimax ha acquisito Arkane Studios (autore di Arx Fatalis e Dark Messiah)...ed hanno annunciato un misterioso titolo in via di sviluppo:

  5. #5
    Hihihihi ci credevano L'avatar di painmaker87
    Registrato il
    Evvai !11!!111 Ora dovrò solo trovare il tempo per finire il 3 e il 5
    Donnarumma ju29ro.

  6. #6
    O RLY?
    Il quarto mi era piaciuto mai provato gli altri

  7. #7
    Tutti belli, il 2 in particolare.

  8. #8
    Registrato il
    è una gran bella notizia, il 5 l'ho apprezzato molto

    spero tanto che ubisoft non mi rovini il tutto integrando il sistema ubiplay nel gioco ...

  9. #9
    :U L'avatar di Lomme
    Registrato il
    Piazza Grande
    Vengo copiosamente.

    Finalmente la Ubisoft si decide a pubblicare un vero videogame, speriamo che non ci metta il suo odioso sistema di protezione.

  10. #10
    Superstite L'avatar di Spriggan
    Registrato il
    sull'isola che c'è
    Ovviamente lo comprerò subito, il problema è che questa serie mi causa dipendenza
    Gli italiani e le elezioni politiche:
    -siete come quelle ragazze che vogliono farsi mettere incinta da uno ricco per starsene a casa a non fare un cazzo, siete al settimo figlio a carico vostro ma non abbandonate la convinzione che questo piano possa funzionare.

  11. #11
    Overlord alle prime armi L'avatar di SERPENTE915
    Registrato il
    Citazione Sephiroth1984 Visualizza Messaggio
    Zenimax ha acquisito Arkane Studios (autore di Arx Fatalis e Dark Messiah)...ed hanno annunciato un misterioso titolo in via di sviluppo:

  12. #12
    Hihihihi ci credevano L'avatar di painmaker87
    Registrato il
    Citazione O RLY? Visualizza Messaggio
    Il quarto mi era piaciuto mai provato gli altri
    Beato te, io riponevo molte speranze nel quarto capitolo, ma non sono mai riuscito a farmelo piacere. Poi fortunatamente c'è la Nival e HoMM V
    Donnarumma ju29ro.

  13. #13
    Citazione Spriggan Visualizza Messaggio
    Ovviamente lo comprerò subito, il problema è che questa serie mi causa dipendenza
    A proposito Sprigg ma il diretto concorrente di Heroes (aka "Disciples III") lo hai preso?

  14. #14
    prima di tutto gradirei un abbassamento della difficoltà e qualche innovazione in più, i tre capitoli che ho giocato mi parevano tutti uguali

    Now let all imagination fly

  15. #15
    Hihihihi ci credevano L'avatar di painmaker87
    Registrato il
    Citazione thresher3253 Visualizza Messaggio
    prima di tutto gradirei un abbassamento della difficoltà e qualche innovazione in più, i tre capitoli che ho giocato mi parevano tutti uguali

    Now let all imagination fly
    Che capitoli hai giocato?
    Donnarumma ju29ro.

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